I hope you all had an amazing new years eve with your friends, families and loved ones. I love this time of the year. I know that to some of you, this day is probably like any other day, but I really feel like it is the beginning of something new. For me it's a fresh start, an amazing chance and a challenge as well. I always like to take a moment to think about all of the things I've done and accomplished the past year but also to think about things that I failed to achieve. There are a lot of people out there who couldn't care less about new years resolutions but I kinda think it's nice to make them, but it's only great if you really stick to it and really mean it. So I've thought about a few resolutions for this year as well and I'm going to write them down in my little black book, which I'm going to stow away in my drawer. After a year I'll bring it out again and see how many things I've accomplished by then. You should do that too, because there is nothing more exhilarating than being able to ticking off things out of a list.
I just enjoyed a little bowl of greek yoghurt with some blueberries and almonds. Now it's time for me to turn off my laptop and grab a book - one of the many books that have been lying next to my book since forever. I have to remind myself to read more books again. This one will be added to my resolutions and marked with a huge exclamation mark.
3 Kommentare:
Maybe we follow each other !?
Let me know if you follow me & i´ll follow back :)
Greetings <3
Wow, wunderbarer Blog! Ich wollte diese Buch schon immer kaufen! *-*
Glücklicherweise habe ich dich in der Gruppe 'Blogs made in Switzerland' gefunden und werde definitiv öfter vorbeischauen!
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du auf meinem Blog vorbeischauen würdest, möglicherweise magst du ihn auch so gerne, wie ich deinen. (:
xxx Nadina
Where are you? :) I really like your blog and I really wanna new post :D
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