Samstag, 2. November 2013

I wore my PJ's out

When I woke up on Wednesday morning, I knew it would be a long long day. This week I've been working on a project about food and how our nutrition would look like by the year of 2030. Our focus lies specifically on how things would change around eating out. We had to do several researches about this subject and write loads of texts. At the beginning of this week we've started with the visualization of our work. I wasn't very excited about the project at first, which is why I woke up very grumpy on Wednesday. I decided to leave my striped PJ on, trusting that the day won't be as tough and tedious as I had imagined in my head. Luckily the day turned out to be positive in the end. We've managed to finish off a lot of work. 

Cardigan - Primark / Pleather Shorts - A Land / Boots - H by Hudson

3 Kommentare:

Moira Parton hat gesagt…

I love that cardigan so much! x

Wendy hat gesagt…

gosh the cardigan is sooo great ;)

The Rubber Doll by Pepa hat gesagt…

love everythingg about this <3