Donnerstag, 12. September 2013

Seoul #4: Cycling along the River

On a Tuesday, if I'm recalling it correctly, we decided to be sporty for a change and therefore went to rent a tandem for an hour, in order to cycle along the River "Han". It wasn't a typical touristic thing to do. I've always wanted to do things in a foreign country, what only locals would do. It's the best way to get to know a city in my opinion. As we made our way along the River we listened to a Chris Brown Song over and over again, which got stuck in my head ever since. In the evening we went to Hongdae for the very first time and enjoyed a very delicious korean barbecue for my second time in Seoul.

I'm wearing: Shirt from a Store in Myeongdong, Pleather Shorts form A Land, Necklace from Forever 21

Bananamilk after the "workout"

supertasty korean barbecue in Hongdae

random korean girl reading manga while on the subway

watching the sundown

delicious Xiao Long Bao

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Love you in chucks!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Nice post ! i love your blog

Have a lovely day

xx Julien