1. Dri Fit Shirt from Nike: This Shirt absorbs all the dirty sweat and feels so comfy and nice on my skin while I'm working out. Almost feels like not wearing anything at all.
2. NYX Matte Lipstick in "Sweet Pink": I got introduced to this lipstick by watching itsjudytime, a very famous youtuber. I love this color because it makes my lips and my whole face pop! It's really bright and super matte.
3. Gold Necklace: This is a really old necklace, that I got when I was a child. I think my mother gave it to me. I forgot about it, until it fell into my hands while I was tidying up my room a couple of weeks ago. I tried it on and it has been resting on my collarbone ever since.
4. "Wachstumsschmerz" by Sarah Kuttner: I have this really bad habit where I buy books and don't read them. At the moment I have like 5 different books that I started and haven't finished. I just get bored really easily and want to start a new book. I bought this one a year ago, and I think it's time for me to read it now.
5. Bourjois Nail Varnish Remover: Whoever invented this is a genius. It only takes one second to remove all your half scraped off nail varnish. It's a little pot with a sponge inside, which is saturated with the remover liquid. You just have to stick your finger inside, leave it for a bit, pull it out and the color is removed.
6. Balea Oil Repair Hair Oil: I cut my hair once to twice a year. That's the main reason why my hair ends are really dry and split. I randomly picked up this hair oil at a german drugstore and I'm in love with it. It smells of almonds and makes my hair smooth and nice.
7. Essie Nail Varnish: Last summer I did an essie promotion in Zurich and got to keep a few essie nail varnishes. I totally forgot about how amazing the colors are that I picked up back then. They're so bright and fun to wear! My favorite is "Rosebowl", the pink one on the photo.
8. "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk ft. Pharell Wiliams: I just can't get enough of this song. It makes me happy.
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